Health and safety remains our top priority. We want all of our employees and colleagues to go home safe every day.
Peace of Mind
Pinebridge is built on solid foundations, we have no third party interest, shareholding or loans.
Getting it right first time by engaging only exceptional managers, subcontractors and suppliers
Our management teams are adaptable which means they can provide flexibility to changes in scope, complexity of projects or to individual clients needs.
We ensure our clients achieive value for money from the outset
Our supply chain teams of subcontractors and suppliers love working with us. We treat our supply chain fairly and make them part of our delivery strategies from the beginning.
Pinebridge is founded on the principles of honest and integrity. We see our honesty and integrity linked to our success.
We will continually minimise our impact on the environment. Our management teams excel in eliminating waste from our projects.

Our Accreditations
Pinebridge is an active member of the Construction Industry Federation and is also enrolled on the CIRI Register for 2019 / 2020.
Our leadership team are also active members of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (SCSI) and the Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB).
Pinebridge is committed to achieving both Safe T Cert status in 2020 and also ISO accreditation.

Health & Safety
Our main objective at Pinebridge is to prevent injury or occupational ill-health to anyone who could be affected by our operations.
To ensure this we strive to provide the safest workplace possible for all of our employees, subcontractors, suppliers, clients and others who may visit or are surrounded by our construction projects.
To support this we are committed to providing all the resources necessary to eliminate injuries and incidents. Through our inventive site inductions, training and toolbox talks we also provide our employees and subcontractors with the tools, knowledge and resources they need to reduce risk on our construction sites.

Our company has worked alongside many prestigious brands who demand, and deserve, the highest quality outcome for their projects, we know how to deliver this high quality outcome along with our suppliers, subcontractors and professional teams.
Quality starts at the beginning of a project and is a priority throughout the whole construction process. We will continually organise our management skills and use our resources in the most efficient manner to produce high quality projects. We our construction teams always ensure quality control standards are maintained by using the best construction practices available to us.
There are always ways of doing things better, so we constantly seek ways to enhance our project delivery service. Therefore, we have chosen to pursue a quality management system compliant with the internationally recognised BSI standard of ISO 9001:2015.

Pinebridge wants to improve the quality of life for future generations. We understand that everything we do on the construction site as a supplier reflects our clients. Our site management teams understand that it is our obligation to eliminate the risk of pollution, minimise waste, maximize recycling and avoid nuisance to neighbours. We do this in the following ways:
• Using construction methods that produce the least carbon emissions
• Making sure that all our subcontractors share our own concerns
• Minimise the waste we produce and encourage the use of sustainable material
• Consider the transport impacts from material delivery miles
• Train our teams in sustainable ways of working
• Build it once – the right way!